In June 2003, a version of these proposals were presented to MTA New York City Transit for review at a Community
Liaison Committee meeting of the Southern Brooklyn Transportation Investment Study funded by the NY Metropolitan
Transportation Council (NYMTC). We are awaiting the MTA's comments. Some of the proposals also were accepted
by NYMTC and also were presented to the MTA as part of their study.
In September, 2003, New York City Transit extended the B82 from Canal Avenue to Coney Island. This proposal
was included in the April 2003 version of CBT's ROUTES 2 Better Serve Southern Brooklyn. However, CBT proposed
to extend all B82s to Coney Island whereas NYCT extended alternate buses to Coney Island and cut back alternate
buses to 25th Avenue to save operating costs.
The B15 and Q3 routes are being shortened within JFK Airport with the inauguration of Airtrain. This will save $450,000
in annual operating costs. These monies could be used to improve bus service in Southern Brooklyn.